
5G Architecture
TaaS -Telco as a service-
Wi-fi offload
Hyperelastic Network
BSS System
Monitoring Tools
3G/4G/5G nodes
Compact Core
eSIM Platform
Managed Services
Interworking functions
Digital-first experience


State-of-the-art own technology
JSC Ingenium makes its state-of-the-art Network and Business Infrastructure (BSS) technology available to its customers. A complete and proven offer, developed completely in-house, that allows them to:
be highly flexible to suit the needs and technical requirements of their customers
create innovative new services and deploy them quickly and securely -without endangering the Host Network-
offer an ultra-fast Time to market to compete
react quickly in case of contingency in service or in the face of market changes

Coexistence & Integration

JSC Ingenium‘s strategy as a Core Network technology provider for Mobile Operators involves offering its clients the latest technology available on the market at all times, and trying to go one step further, seeking alternative, cost-effective solutions that enable its clients to compete in any environment, quickly and flexibly, regardless of their size and their business model.

That is precisely JSC Ingenium‘s vision of “Coexistence and integration”, a suite of Interworking solutions that means that Mobile Network Operators can integrate the capacities of the various network elements into their different technologies to develop and operate new services:

  • More attractive and innovative for the end user.
  • Irrespective of access technology.
  • With an extended life cycle, not limited to conventional technologies.
With JSC Ingenium‘s coexistence solution it is possible to create services that interact using different technologies, simplifying operations and drastically reducing development costs and exploitation.
JSC Ingenium - Technology: Coexistence and integration

The modular broker operates as a single network element towards the network. A Network Node that needs its services will trigger a broker flow, which includes various network elements, each with its own protocol and state machine, by selecting the appropriate interface from an interface palette.

Deployments scenarios

JSC Ingenium - Technology: Deployments scenarios

Innovation and development

R&D activity is the cornerstone of JSC Ingenium’s company strategy. Always look to the future, acquire new knowledge and try to develop new solutions that bring value, that solve problems, that facilitate the day-to-day life of its customers, that will help them always go one step further. In short, that allow the telecommunications sector to evolve to remain a benchmark at the international level.

JSC Ingenium makes a very high effort in R&D, allocating more than 45% of its technical resources.

Activity I+D

Official I&D projects

Since 2010 CDTI -Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial, Business Public Entity, under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, has certified the following I+D projects:

JSC Ingenium - Technology: Official I&D projects
Maestro de Red 5G
La empresa JSC INGENIUM, S.L. se encuentra desarrollando un proyecto plurianual de Investigación y Desarrollo con título “MAESTRO DE RED 5G” y con número de expediente IDI-20240097. El objetivo principal del proyecto es el investigar y desarrollar una estructura completa y práctica que aproveche el análisis de datos basado en soluciones de inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático (ML) para el control, la gestión y la orquestación de la red.

Este proyecto se lleva a cabo en sus instalaciones de Madrid desde junio de 2023 y cuenta con un presupuesto de 1.019.450,05€. Ha sido aprobado por el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación, E.P.E (CDTI) y cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER 2021-2027).

CORE 5G Multi-tecnología
Creation of a CORE 5G that allows to take advantage of the philosophy of 5G use and all its advantages, without waiting for the deployment of 5G radio.
CORE R5 – New tools for the technological leap to Tier 1 operators –
Aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Multi-Regional Smart Growth Operational Programme.
New call and message management procedures on 4G and 3G networks.
ERDF-funded project – European Regional Development Fund – within the Operational Programme of the Community of Madrid 207-2013
Research into next-generation application and service platforms.

Challenges – Collaboration program

In collaboration with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Tecteco Security System.
JSC Ingenium - Technology: Challenges – Collaboration program
Holistic Intrusion Detection and Response Agent (HI+DRA)
Con la ejecución del proyecto HI+DRA el consorcio persigue posicionarse a la cabeza del mercado de la seguridad en redes de comunicaciones para operadores móviles, utilizando las capacidades de inteligencia colectiva y colaboración como elemento diferenciador y como motor para el desarrollo de nuevos servicios de valor añadido. Por otro lado, HI+DRA supone una ventaja competitiva clave para otros dos mercados en plena expansión: el Internet de las Cosas y la computación en la nube. En ambos casos la seguridad es el factor clave para su desarrollo, y el enfoque de HI+DRA proporciona elementos confiables adaptativos que salen de las tradicionales carreras continuas de ataque-contramedida.
Expediente: RTC-2016-5434-8 – Financiación: Convocatoria 2016 Retos-Colaboración del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016. Proyecto cofinanciado por fondos FEDER/Ministerio de economía y competitividad – Agencia Estatal de Investigación.
JSC Ingenium - I&D projects: ETSIT Cátedra Ingenium

Collaboration with the university

JSC Ingenium has been collaborating since 2008 with ETSIT – Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineers – through Cátedra Ingenium.