5G Architecture
TaaS -Telco as a service-
Wi-fi offload
Hyperelastic Network
BSS System
Monitoring Tools
3G/4G/5G nodes
Compact Core
eSIM Platform
Managed Services
Interworking functions
Digital-first experience
Converged Rating and Policy Engine (Firewatch)
JSC Ingenium Converged Rating and Policy Engine meet the specific need of any Communication service provider from tier-1 operators to an enhanced virtual service provider model. It helps deliver real-time charging and policy application quickly, cost-effectively while increasing profitability and improving the customer experience.
JSC Ingenium Converged Rating and Policy Engine is a modular system including multi-network call and session control, convergent rating, and charging functionalities and is built to enable very complex charging rules at a very high transaction rate.
Advantages of JSC Ingenium Converged Rating and Policy Engine
- Provides convergent charging independent of payment methods, whether it is prepaid, postpaid, or hybrid.
- Shorter Time to Market since the creation of comprehensive policy plans would take just a few hours.
- Covers all subscriptions, all service, tariff and policy options, and balances schemes.
- Include innovative offering like bonuses shared between subscriptions, advanced hierarchical bundles, quota rollover, Turbo boosts, unlimited service packages immediate payment of content, and so on.
Main Functionalities and Characteristics
- Enables pricing of all services and functionalities: voice, voice with guaranteed quality, e-mail, IP messaging, etc.
- Ensures that no service is provided without prior pricing and checks that the subscriber has sufficient balance.
- Guarantees use of services contracted by customers (QoS, priorities, bandwidth, etc.) according to the specified conditions (fees, times, etc.).
- Prevents overuse of services by subscribers to allow fair use of the network.
- Prevents network overload.
- Integrated Voucher Manager and Top-up Gateway.
- Generation of CDRs with complete business information.
- Standards supported:
- 5G Nchf.
- Diameter Gx, Gy, Gz.
- Diameter Sh.
- Diameter Ro.
- Radius.
- TAP 3.
- ASN.1 CDR decoding engine.
- Text CDR decoding engine.