Madrid 28027 – Spain
Minos: What is it and what is it for? How it works

Minos is an excellent intelligent management support system, ideal for you and your company. Don’t know it yet? At JSC Ingenium, provider of services and solutions for MNOs and MVNOs, we invite you to know much more about Minos and how it works.
What is Minos?
Minos is an intelligent help system for technical support personnel to perform a task or solve an incident quickly, guided and completely.
It allows to carry out an extensive number of tasks such as incidents opening, registration of VPNs, SIM ordering, provision of cards, configuration of reports, etc.
It guarantees 24 x 7 support and is operated in each country by a team of trained professionals with extensive knowledge of the client’s technology and business. In this way it allows to know at all times the consequences of an incident and its effect on the service or the business itself.
What is it for?
As we have mentioned, Minos has functions for almost everything. Allows you to open a ticket, incident or request, quickly and completely. Performs previous diagnoses of the problem during the opening of the request itself, and has personalized flows of the deployed services.
As for its tools, it has a ticketing platform that allows monitoring the status of the incidents. It also offers intelligent monitoring and diagnostic tools.
How does Minos work?
The way this management system operates is quite simple and easy to understand. Minos acts as follows:
- Centralizes all existing service requests and incidents.
- Collects all the corresponding information in a structured manner and with the greatest degree of detail.
- Completes the information with diagnostic detection and resolution of incidents.
- Optimizes resolution times to the maximum. Ends excessive wait times motivated by asking too many questions to the customer.
- Optimizes the resolution of incidents in a timely manner.
- Allows the customer to be independent.
- Facilitates the work of the teams involved.
Advantages of Minos
- Automatically collects all possible information on each incident (traces, CDRs…) for subsequent analysis.
- Its self-diagnosis capacity allows to detect, verify and identify each incident in real time.
- Automatically produces a detailed report based on the analyses carried out, which serves as the basis for the support team.
- It is able to categorize the level of criticality of the incidence, prioritizing the most urgent cases.
- It is able to detect on site if it is a duplicate ticket or known problem, updating the information to the support teams in order to make the most of the resources.