Madrid 28027 – Spain
M2M / IoT

Building the M2M ecosystem
M2M/IoT Platform for Mobile Operators
- Very flexible: to meet the demand for new initiatives and new business models, while reacting quickly to changes in the industry/competition.
- Operationally cost efficient: enabling them to optimize the operation of the service and provide a competitive solution for the market.
- Completely secure: isolating the Operator’s Network and protecting it against new deployments.
Technical Data Sheet
Main characteristics:
- Centralized integration of all integrators/manufacturers.
- Operational independence in integrations and maintenance of different integrators/manufacturers.
- Rapid deployment of new verticals: less than one month.
- Creation of client profiles enabling services to be monetized.
- Vertical interface:
- Secure voice, data and SMS VPN.
- Delegated IP address assignment (public and private).
- Continuous information about relevant events in the network: event detail records / triggers (WS SOAP, HTTP Rest).
- Portfolio of M2M value-added services specialized by sector.
- Assignment of IP addresses to devices (Supervised and VPN):
- Internal dynamic (pool-based).
- Internal fixed (self-configurable).
- Delegated to client (Radius).
- Secured access:
- IMEI check.
- Expected location check.
- Tailored service profile.
- Network registry history.
- End-to-End Secured Traffic:
- Redundant VPNs.
- Denial of service protection.
- Fraud protection.
- No hyperactivity.
- Business control:
- Real Time traffic/cost metering.
- Service Monetizing, Rating and Billing.
- Revenue Assurance.
- Real time traffic control:
- Multi-service intelligent network.
- Real time traffic metering.
- Supervised and self-configured traffic routing:
- The network operator decides which traffic
routing options are available for clients. - Clients self-configure traffic routing.
- The operator is notified of any changes.
- The network operator decides which traffic
- Flexible operations model:
- Full management of services.
- Full responsibility for operation of service based on Service Level Agreements.
- Reporting via a complete set of KPIs to customer. Periodic review at the operation steering committee.
- Internal operations management.
- Full management of services.
- Business model:
- per connected device.
- purchase of the Platform.
Core monitoring and analysis in real time. The new monitoring system displays all the elements in each client’s service, and identifies any type of incident in real time.
The smart advanced support system, has been designed to speed up and simplify brands’ support tasks to the maximum when identifying the root cause of incidents.
Platform for M2M Players
Main characteristics:
- Not intrusive in the deployment by the Integrator.
- Virtual Local Network.
- IP assignment: Public / Private.
- Secure access.
- Secure voice, data and SMS VPN.
- Fraud control.
- Protection against denial of service attacks.
- Access control in real time.
- Traffic control in real time.
- Open system.
- Interfaces: WS SOAP, HTTP REST, CDRs, EDRs, Triggers, Radius, Diameter, etc…
- Voice, SMS/USSD, data, data calls
- Access technologies: 2G/3G/4G/WIFI (EAP-SIM).
- System operation visibility.
- Consumption in real time.
- Consumption limits.
- Hyperactivity 0.
- Self-care platform.
- Control of voice, SMS and data routing.
- Provision of SIMs.
- QoS.
- Services.
- Full service.
- Provision.
- Pricing.
- Invoicing.
- Reporting
- Mobile service.
- B2B Interconnection.
- Open interfaces.
- Global scalability (cross-country platform).
- Services.
- Portfolio of M2M value-added services specializing in verticals.
- Potential for developing new telco and business services.
- Other:
- Recovery from disasters.
- Geographical redundancy.
- Traffic steering.
- “Network Wake up”.
In 2012 Alai Secure began operations, becoming the first M2M Operator in Spain to provide exclusively M2M/IoT services.
It uses JSC Ingenium‘s technology to operate as a Full MVNO over the Yoigo’s network in Spain.
Its commitment to SECURITY in communications makes it a benchmark for companies offering M2M services which need to safeguards their communications against malicious attacks, denial of service attacks, fraudulent use, etc…
M2M Platform Experience
(Telephone helplines)
- Trespass alerts.
- Smoke, fire, gas, fall detection alarms,..
- Remote control of alarm.
- Remote control of installed cameras.
- e-call.
- Fleet control/tracking.
- Remote control:
- Journeys by each vehicle.
- Exact location at all times.
- Average journey times.
- Driving types.
- Emergency call.
- Remote control of incidents.
- Remote control of elevator status: Open/close doors, go up/down floor, parameter settings, …
- Remote control of the elevator by the technician called out.
- Geolocation of distribution teams, technical personnel, etc.
- Remote control of:
- Stock on rails.
- Sales.
- Coins for change.
- Operational incidents.
- Remote reading and monitoring of water, electricity, gas meters etc.
- Detection of incidents and remote reboot of devices.
Successful cases
Network Server functions:
- Routing.
- Provision.
- Invoicing.
- Support and monitoring.
- NS Interface to LoRa Gateways.
- API WS Interfaces to third parties – external monitoring systems and analytics…-.
Use cases
It allows meeting the specific needs of different verticals, customizing:
- Security.
- Logistics.
- Smart cities.
- Agriculture.
- Social Health.
- Health.
- Energy.
- Extensive livestock.
- Monitoring.
- Transports.
- Waste management.
- Mining.
- Schools.
- Smart parkings management.
- Monitoring of dumpsters, glass, cardboard…
- Control and monitoring of bicycles, skateboards and motorcycles services.
- Infrastructures control and monitoring.
- Lighting.
- Smart Buildings.
- Fire control and prevention.
- Precision agriculture (irrigated fields, vineyards…) specially designed to cover large areas of land where there is no coverage.
- Monitoring water and air quality: levels, quality, ambient temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, ambient light, TVOC (total volatile organic compounds), CO2, …
- Geolocation of assets, animals or people without the need for GPS.
- Smart meters (water / gas / electricity).